Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've made it to Slovenia safe and sound! This is the last stop before I make it to Macedonia. Oh, I can't wait! Traveling just seems to take it out of me, but I haven't been able to sleep very much on the planes this trip.

One thing you can pray for, and as silly as it seems, I left my camera on my first flight. I feel like a complete idiot, but that's how it goes sometimes, I reckon. I'm trying to get ahold of the lost and found people at the Munich airport (which is where I left my camera), but it's proving to be a problem.

So, please pray that I'm able to get it back! You know how I am with pictures. :) And as tragic as this is, I'm just glad that it wasn't anything more major than this. However, I still ache to have my camera back!!

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. It really is a shame as I know you took some terrific pictures to post on your blog of your journey over. As your mom though - I am thrilled that you made it safely and that I didn't "lose" you in the process. A camera can be replaced - you are irreplacable!
    Love you bunches,
