Monday, September 28, 2009


Yes, I know. It is has been ages since I wrote anything here...and I never really wrapped up my trip on here either. I didn't realize everything that I was learning while I was in Macedonia, but since I've been back, I can't seem to get the people or the city of Skopje out of my mind.

This is a request for prayer on the Roma people's behalf. Please pray that their hearts and minds would be open to God's word. It's illegal to tell a child under 18 years of age about God (or about any religion) pray that God would shake and awaken the adults in this city so that they will teach their children about His love. What a terrible thing it is to think that these children will grow up not knowing the Truth because of a law that has bound the tongues of the missionaries in such a way as to say they can't speak the name of the Lord to these children. Please pray that the lives of the missionaries in Macedonia would speak and shout the love of the Lord so loud that these people...these children...would be awestruck by God's work and want to know how to know Him.

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